What is WordPress 2021?

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Information about what is WordPress

What is WordPress

If you want to start blogging and which platform to block, thinking that you are confused then in this post we will tell you what is the best platform for blogging (What is WordPress) and its complete introduction.

WordPress is a Content Management System also called CMS and is used to create blogs and websites. It is an open-source tool that uses PHP and MySQL programming languages ​​to create.
It is completely free on the Internet and there are many types of plug-ins and themes available for free. Using them, a good and beautiful website can be easily created.
This has made it so easy to manage websites and blogs that even today a common man can write and write, even if he does not have the technical knowledge, he can easily manage a website.
If you have just heard the name of this, then it is a very good thing, because today you will know what is WordPress (What is WordPress) and together I will also tell you what is the importance of making a blog?
What is WordPress?


WordPress is an online open-source website building tool, written using the PHP programming language. In today’s time, if told, this is the easiest and most powerful blogging website content management system. Thousands of themes and plugins are available to manage the website in this content management system.
Every day, this question is searched on the Internet, what is WordPress? So let me tell you that this is a tool to create an open-source website that works to make an online website.
It is written in PHP and MySQL, was created by Matt Mullenweg, and was launched as open-source on 27 May 2003.
Like WordPress, there are much more Content Management System (CMS) free open sources, such as Joomla, Bootstrap, Tumblr, Drupal. But the most used and popular among people is CMS WordPress.
How does WordPress work?
If we talk about it some time in advance, then it was not easy to create a website or blog at that time. Why only the web developer and web designer used to make a website or blog.
If the content management system was not made, then the web developers used to prepare it themselves and then work on it. For this, this work could be done only if there is knowledge of a lot of programming languages.
In this way, used to spend a lot of time in the development and designing of the website. In today’s era, it is the easiest and powerful Content Website Management for Blogging. Which is also called CMS in short.
This means that a developer does not have to do everything himself for the content and design on the website page. Like Theme, Mobile Responsive theme, plugins are made ready, and just have to install them and use them.
On WordPress, you can create any kind of website by customizing it according to yourself. If you want, you can use it as a website, you can create a woo-commerce website for shopping or blogging by creating a blog.
What is the importance of WordPress?
As of April 2018, according to the data, there are 10 million websites in the top 10 of the whole world, 30.6% of them remain on WordPress. That is why it is the most popular and most used website management in the world, yet again blogging system.
Right now it has about 50,316 plugins, out of which each plugin gives a custom function and is designed to serve according to the need.
Bloggers are often familiar with its name because many people start blogging with Google’s product blogger. But then they need to go ahead. You must definitely know what is it that is why people like it so much.
SEO information is as important for a blogger as a doctor’s medicine. Search engine optimization in the Blogger.com platform has to be done by itself. Everyone knows that social signals are also important in blogging, blogger’s posts have to be manually shared.
While we get countless and beneficial plugins in this. There are plugins for everything in it, I am sharing with you here the list of the most useful plugin.
Yoast SEO – The Best Plugin for Search Engine Optimization.
Jetpack – is used to share direct posts on social media sites.
WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Rocket – makes website superfast loaded.
One Signal Push Notification – To send notifications to the subscriber on post-publication and updating.
Google Analytics – It is very helpful in tracking traffic.
Contact Form 7 – The visitor provides this form to receive comments.
Akismet Anti-Spam – Protects blogs from spam comments and spam login.
WordPress vs Blogger – Who is the better platform in blogging
In the world of blogging, only 2 platforms are very popular, they are given below among the people.
Blogging in Blogger.com Platform


Google has a free service and there is no charge of any kind, it works absolutely free. For this neither the domain needs to be purchased nor the money has to be paid for hosting every month.
It gives its own subdomain to bloggers to create blog websites, and it stores all the content and data of the blog itself. That is why there is no need to take separate hosting also.
Types of WordPress
Now this question may be arising in your mind is this also free for blogging? Yes, friends – it’s absolutely 100% free. It offers its service in two ways, in which it itself uses 2 different platforms.
If you do not want to spend your domain and hosting yourself. Then wordpress.com is your work website. In this neither do you have to take the stress of hosting nor to pay for the webserver.
It is absolutely free to use and you also get the option to customize your website. There is also some disadvantage of creating a website in this, such that your default wordpress.com will be linked to it.
You will not be able to upload any theme to it separately to change the look of your website. Apart from this, you will not be able to use any plugin.
When you buy a domain name for your own website and install WordPress on it with a web hosting server, then it works on wordpress.org. Here you get lots of different advantages which are not available on wordpress.com.
For this, you can choose your top-level domain, for which you can buy a domain for at least one year and then renew it every year.
Also, by purchasing hosting on a monthly/yearly basis from a good web hosting company, you can host your website’s domain by pointing to it.
Some important features of creating a website on WordPress.org


Its plug-in allows users to increase the function and feature of the Website / Blog. There are 50316 plugins available in this. Each of these increases the functionality and quality of the website by increasing the function in its own way.


Users get to install thousands of themes for their website on this platform and can switch from one theme to another whenever they want. On this website, users can change the look and function of the theme without making any changes in the core code or site content.
Every WordPress website has at least one theme, and each theme should be designed according to its standard. Which includes Structured PHP, valid HTML (Hypertext Markup language), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
Mobile Application


Its native application is also available for WebOS, Android OS, iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. In these applications you can add new posts and pages to the website/blog, along with that you can also design, comment, moderate comments.
Multi-user Blogging


There is another such feature which is very important and beneficial. More than one user can be kept in it. According to our wishes, we can keep as many as three Bloggers in it and can make it work. Through this, we can create different log-in details for each user.
How to learn to create a website in WordPress?
As we have already told you that WordPress is a very easy and easy-to-manage content management system. In this, thousands of thinking free and paid for website designing are also available.
There is no need for coding for many types of functions but for this, a plugin is also available. You can easily design a website using these. Let us now know how to learn how to make a website in this?
1. Learn to create a website with WordPress on YouTube
Friends, there is no doubt that in today’s time YouTube is a very big video sharing platform. Here you get all kinds of videos. Also, you get every video A-Z attached to it.
When you buy a domain name and hosting, then your work starts from there, ie after that, you have to install WordPress.
After installing, let’s install themes and plugins for the design of your choice. After this, I create a new one for my blog or website and also create a category. Apart from this, we also prepare the necessary pages for the website.
2. Learn to create a website in WordPress by reading blog posts
By the way, creating a website in this also becomes very easy by watching YouTube videos and tutorials, apart from this you get many blog posts in which you are told all the way along with the screenshots.
Through which you can install and manage its website. In this way, you too can become a good webmaster without learning to code.
In Brief
Today it is not a big thing to start a blog, anyone who knows how to run a little computer can use the internet, they can easily do blogging. That’s why we told you through this post that what is this WordPress (What is WordPress). You must also have known that WordPress information 
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